Friday, November 09, 2012

Gansey Wk 9

Linda is thrilled that we are having tea with her during class. It was a perfect evening for it with the rain and cooler weather.

We did not go over any patterns.  Some are finishing the Gansey sampler, and others are working on the knitting needle knitting bag.  Linda also had several yarn and patterns to give us for her rug book.

Here are the dates that we talked about:

11/22 No class. Happy Thanksgiving!

11/29 Craft Work Stations

12/6 Last class. Christmas Party (Potluck and Gift Exchange)

12/13 Knitted Rug Workshop and Skiff Party. 1 to 8:30 pm. RSVP.

Knitted Presidents
The knitted presidents will be on display in Sauderville, OH starting May 1, 2013 through June. Linda is going to request that they show them for the season ending in October. She is also looking into different places to showcase them. They may be on display for the next couple of years. If you would like your president back, please let Linda know. Some of the ladies expressed their interest in having them back, but they can wait a couple of years.

Linda received a nice message from someone who was at VKL. Here it is:
"I was lucky enough to see the Knotty Knitters' Presidents at Vogue Knitting Live in Chicago last week. I just wanted to send along a link to my blog entry about your group's amazing handwork.
All best, Carolyn"
Some of the ladies asked about their fingerpuppets that are on display at the Loomis Library. Linda L. will call them about it.
Kaleidoscope Rug
Linda and Nola has an article about their rugs in a hook rug magazine. Linda designed one of the rugs that Nola hooked. The article is very nice, and the rug is lovely.  Sorry, no photo here.

Show 'n Tell

Penny's Gansey 

Mary Beth's Gansey

Karen is proud of her new scarf. It only took two nights to make.
Linda demonstrates two ways to wear Sandy's yarn caddy. 

Happy knitting!

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