Saturday, April 06, 2013

Pop Knit III Wk 1

First class of the third session! Welcome back to Carol and Jen who took the winter session off and to newcomers from Linda's other knitting class Diana and Jenny. We were reminded of this blog, the class phone list, the "I Need Help" board, and the $5 materials fee.

We received a handout on three different Bind Off Rows. Linda demonstrated how to pick up the purl row on the wrong side to make the braid on the front of a stockinette sample. A couple of tips: always work with an odd number of rows, start with the purl stitches for row 1, bind off on the right side, and pick up stitches on the right side.

Past and Future Swatches
Next week we will have a look at Constructions 2 and 3 of the modular patterns. The first pattern were all squares; next time we will incorporate rectangles. Linda will give us measurements to work the patterns with any yarn weight instead of just the super chunky yarn the fabulous -0 model is wearing. Teri is wearing a shrug from the Construction 1 pattern.

Ideas started popping, and we started talking about parties...already. We had a lengthy discussion for our end of the season party incorporating the construction patterns in a competition making our own design in teams of four people.

We also decided to have a potluck on May 2 as a favor to Linda since it is her husband's birthday, and he eats frozen dinners four nights a week while Linda teaches. He loves our potlucks. Linda will bring the dessert. Ideas for gifts included cozies for his wrench or any car tool.

A real size knitted Ferrari led us on a discussion that it may be time for another yarn bombing incident in Auburn. Linda suggested the huge statue of the Chinese man downtown.

Show and Tell
Sandi finished one of the rugs she has been knitting for Linda; it is warm and cushy. Karen M. showed us some of the pieces that she bought at the rock show in Roseville. Rosemary and Linda shared that Denise Needles took back their worn out or broken set and replaced them with a whole new set.
Toni knitted a beautiful skirt using ribbon yarn.

She also knitted a vest for her husband.

And with the leftover yarn from the vest, Toni made this cute gargoyle.

New class member, Jenny, wore the nice vest she made in one of Linda's other knitting class.
Happy knitting, everyone!

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